Orthodox Services
This section provides dynamic access to an Orthodox Horologion for the laity for personal usage. The Psalter is a Septuagint translation called "The Psalter According to the Seventy" by The Holy Transfiguration Monastery . The horologion prayers come from "The Great Horologion" also published by The Holy Transfiguration Monastery. The translations of troparia and kontakia come from the complete Menaion translations, published by The St. John of Kronstadt Press. Finally, the translations of the Octoechos come from the All-Saints Eastern Orthodox Church's excellent online liturgical resources. All these translations are used with the kind permission of their copyright holders.
We currently offer the following services:
Default Horologion with the House Lectionary
Default Horologion without the House Lectionary (Core Service)
- Current New Calendar Orthodox Horologion (without the site's lectionary)
- Current Old Calendar Orthodox Horologion (without the site's lectionary)
Basic Horologion with the House Lectionary (Basic Abbreviated Horologion)
Basic Horologion without the House Lectionary (Basic Core Abbreviated Horologion)
- Current Basic New Calendar Orthodox Horologion (without the House Lectionary)
- Current Basic Old Calendar Orthodox Horologion (without the House Lectionary)
Other Orthodox Tools
- Current Kathismata (Psalter readings).
- Today's Commemorations and Hymns of the Day
- The Psalter According to the Seventy
The default Horologion services aim to eventually cover the full Orthodox hours from all the Orthodox Service books (or as full as we can achieve for an online lay service). Besides the basic Horologion itself, we have now incorporated the full Octoechos at Vespers and will continue to add new content to the services going forward. So parts of some of these hours will become significantly longer and more involved. If you find the services to be too time consuming, you may prefer the "basic" services.
The core Horologion services are the same as the default services, but without the site's house lectionary. In other words, there are no additions to the core Orthodox Horologion service. One of the goals of liturgy.io , besides to encourage praying of the hours, is to increase Biblical literacy. So the same lectionary readings are included in the default services (at the First Hour and Vespers) as "optional" readings. At the same time, we understand that some folks would prefer to just have the Horologion service without any extra additions not found in Orthodox service books. These "core" versions allow you to do this if you prefer. However, since most folks who use the site seem to prefer having the extra Bible readings, the core services are available as an alternate for those who don't.
The basic Horologion services consist of the Horologion, Psalter, optional lectionary readings, and the dismissal hymns without any new additions from other Orthodox service books which we will be adding. This gives you a full, but ultimately abbreviated service. If you're a long time user of the site, these services are what has long been the standard services and will remain so in the future for folks who do not have time for the full Horologion.
To navigate the site, please click on the links on the left (if you're on a regular computer) or click on the ☰ symbol on the top right (if you're on a mobile device). Please note that the navigation links change for each section and for each service. This allows you to pick a different service or even a service for a different day. For example, after clicking on the Current Orthodox Hours , you'll notice that the links have changed, allowing you to refresh the service with your current time, see the morning or evening service (if you missed one), or even select another date and time (if you missed a day).
- You can view the current fixed worship service from the Horlogion for the day and time, including it's variable Psalter readings, and dismissal hymns as read by a Reader or Layperson (aka a Reader's service).
- You can view the current variable Psalter Kathisma readings for the day and time.
- You can manually view a given fixed Hourly Service from the Horlogion for the day.
- You can manually view the Troparion and Kontakion for the day.
- The site's standard lectionary readings are optionally available during The First Hour and Vespers . You can also use select the hours without the lectionary (or select the "No Lectionary" options in the menu) if you just want the core service.
- It does not include the Octoechos for the variable parts except at Vespers. Other parts are currently in development
- It does not include a Menaion.
- It does not account for feast days and anything in the Festal Triodion.
- It does not include any Lenten hourly services, extra psalter readings, or anything from the Lenten Triodion.
- It does not contain anything from the Pentecostarion.
- It does not contain Great Compline.
- It does not contain Synaxarion for Matins.
- It does not contain the Typica.
- It does not contain any Canons and/or Akathists such as the Akathist to the Mother of God at Compline.