Reformed Services
The services in this section represent an adaptation of classical Western liturgical patterns to conform to the sensibilities of confessional Reformed Christians of various varieties. The bulk of the services are similar to the site's house evangelical prayers with the addition of Reformed Confessions and Catechisms. These aim to respect the Regulative Principal of Worship, and as such, do not follow the traditional church calendar. Other than a gloria, the confessions, creeds, and catechisms, the text of the prayers comes directly from Scripture. In addition, the Psalter defaults to the Scottish Metrical Psalter. The general layout of these services aims to align classical Western prayers services with Matthew Henry's 'A Method for Prayer' into a consistent, but varied, Biblically based service for daily use.
We currently offer the following services:
General Reformed Services with Numerous Confessions
- Current Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers - with the cyclical readings from the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminister Standards.
- Current Reformed Hours - Six times a day with readings from the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminister Standards.
- Current General Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers - with the cyclical readings from the Three Forms of Unity, the Westminister Standards, and the London Baptist Standards
- Current General Reformed Hours - Six times a day with readings from the Three Forms of Unity, the Westminister Standards, and the London Baptist Standards.
Presbyterian Services
- Current Presbyterian Morning & Evening Prayers - with the Westminster standards [cyclical readings from the Westminster Confession, Shorter, and Larger Catechisms] included in the morning service.
- Current Double Presbyterian Morning & Evening Prayers - with the Westminster standards included in both services.
- Current Presbyterian Hours - Six times a day, see below for more information.
- Current Presbyterian Hours - Six times a day, with the Westminster standards included in both services.
Reformed Baptist Services
- Current Reformed Baptist Morning & Evening Prayers - with the cyclical readings from the 1689 Reformed Baptist Confession and the 1695 Baptist Catechism included in the morning service
- Current Reformed Baptist Hours - Six times a day with Reformed Baptist Confession and Catechism.
United Reformed Services (Continental Reformed, Dutch Reformed, URCNA, CRC, etc)
- Current United Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers - with the cyclical readings from the Three Forms of Unity.
- Current United Reformed Hours - Six times a day with readings from the Three Forms of Unity.
To navigate the site, please click on the links on the left (if you're on a regular computer) or click on the ☰ symbol on the top right (if you're on a mobile device). Please note that the navigation links change for each section and for each service. This allows you to pick a different service or even a service for a different day. For example, after clicking on the Current Presbyterian Prayers , you'll notice that the links have changed, allowing you to refresh the service with your current time, see the morning or evening service (if you missed one), or even select another date and time (if you missed a day).
In general the liturgies have the following pattern:
- A Morning and Evening service that automatically updates based on the time of day.
- Opening prayers where we come before a Thrice-Holy God.
- A confession of sins followed by the assurance of the Gospel.
- Psalm (Psalter) readings with or without New Testament antiphons where the entire Psalter is read through once a month.
- Two readings from Scripture from both morning and evening prayers which cover the entire Old Testament in a year and the entire New Testament twice a year.
- A reading from a Reformed Confession or Catechism.
- An Old Testament Canticle (a Biblical song outside the Psalms).
- A Biblical profession of faith with or without the ancient creeds followed by the Lord's Prayer.
- Intercessory prayers and thanksgivings.
- Closing Prayers.
Reformed Hours
In addition to the morning and evening liturgies, we also provide an reformed version of the "seven classical western hours". The principal feature of these services is that the go through the entire Psalter once a week by spreading out the services throughout the day. Although the classical western services were originally prayed at times which are completely impractical to modern Christians (saying matins at midnight) modern versions of these hours typically now run the three morning services (matins, lauds, and prime) together into one bigger morning service (including the appropriate confessional and catechism readings). We follow this pattern here while incorporating the Biblical prayers and readings. As such, you can pray the current hourly liturgy on the following schedule by simply visiting any of the "Hours" services. The links below are an example with the Presbyterian Hours.
Morning Prayer : Matins, Lauds, & Prime (Midnight to 9am).
Brunch Prayer : (called the Third Hour in the Bible): Terce (9am till noon).
Noon Prayer : (called the Sixth Hour in the Bible): Sext (noon till 3pm).
Afternoon Prayer : (called the Ninth Hour in the Bible): None (3pm till 6pm).
Evening Prayer : Vespers (6pm till 10pm).
Night Prayers : Compline (10pm till Midnight).
Although it takes discipline to set aside time for six different formal prayers (even if many of them can be prayed in just a few minutes), there is not only a Biblical precedent in prayer at these times, but also a great reward to be able to set aside some time throughout the day to fall down before our King and God in prayer. If Muslims can pray five times a day, surely Christians could handle six if they were compelled to.